Friday, March 25, 2011



Covered in the veil of evil,
Cursed to dine with the devil,
Was Yours truly, who wore a sullen face,
Starring in dismay with a relentless pace
Especially where the Devil himself sat.
Across me our eyes inevitably met,
His reddish teeth at me grinning,
My body sweltering as my head was sent spinning
With fear, examining his laced gown of black,
Jumbled up in tatters like a scarecrow, a bald head
A wrinkled ugly face and long nailed fingers.
Apart from him was a dish of unappetizing food
Warm salad, burnt rice, raw meat with no soup
In addition to the smelly thick red wine-
That sent my head aside
I could not withstand it, instead I spat
At it but him smiling, continued to eat
Enjoying himself while I was not
He never cared I was not
Only his scornful grin as my bile rose above limits
I had to vomit in response
Wishing had I refused the invitation, my appearance
I would have eluded this excruciating experience
When I was cursed to dine with the devil
Veiled by darkness of evil.  

Monday, March 14, 2011




Given the can led me to refuel the flowers,
Who in turn grew alternatively with the racing hours,
No time taken soon to bloom
For the weeds, never sparring the garden spoon
Becoming the routine chore.
Little did I know the rusty signs on show
Culminated in a large spilling hole underneath
Throwing all my input under siege.
 A bond had emerged; of this Can and the flora.
Unnoticed, supplies cut, the growth rate became slower.
And slowly withered away, lifeless,
Roasted by the merciless
Sun, its red spikes poking the wretched one
Until the life-span halted, it dried out,
Startled, my eyes in akimbo only flickered hopelessly
Like a candle, struggling against the whirlwind,
Though held strongly
Nothing could stop it from being blown off-
And then Darkness –
This there upon remained with me
Inevitably still with me.
When will it take its leave, I care not
I forget not the destruction of so bright a life
With loneliness and nostalgia, the reality strife
Where memories, painted black surface each hour
Patching through the destruction of the watering can
And then the flower.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011



In front, our heads bow,
In our minds, but how?
Don’t worry, it’s the super-substitute,
Replacing a great institute,
Waylaying happiness,
Installing sadness.
We keep on calling,
We can’t keep off falling,
No doubt it’s over.
Are we getting older?
Think not this wind has come to a standstill,
Only the coldness to feel,
At the same time emotions to conceal
Thrust in a carcass to seal,
A chance we missed,
Forever may-be, the deceased.
                                                 Tatenda W Mhlanga                                        

Tuesday, March 8, 2011



In sport we cheer
As we won’t fear,
A loss that is part of this dear
Game that would be always at hand
IS death more of a game like this?
In difficulties we try
Not to wait and stand-by,
As we strive to make things okay,
To fulfill the promise of day.
How do we endeavour in times of death?
In religion we pray,
Not afraid to carry
The burden of our lord
Who saddled our load
To save us the whole lot
Of debaucheries and sorts.
Imagine this when death comes.
If the sun will shine again tomorrow
It will be clear enough that sorrow
Is the prize we pay as homage to death,
A sense of inexperience to bereavement.
If that was so, how many would have courage.
The answer is, in death we shade tears,
This shows our deepest feelings,
On this tussling game
Of life, happiness or sadness-damn,
All thrown into an invisible dam.
That’s what we do when we face death.
In times of death so high are emotions,
The adrenaline pumping in motion,
Or the heart beat and blood cell in caution,
“I’ve lost my mum, my dad-oh my cousin,”
Surely in times of death there is no controlling.
To the deceased we feel pity
Here and there sing a ditty,
To lament our love simply
Because we respect and heartily
Pray that, “may the soul rest in peace.”
In the trying times of death- we piss.
When death comes we weep,
Unable to contain or keep
Emotions from outrage and throw tantrums,
“If I could I would have done something.”
But as at is, there is nothing
That can stop death from stripping everything.
After all, in sport we cheer
In difficulties we try,
In religion we pray.
All in all in our ability
But what about in death?
Think about it and bet
In time of death.